History of the German Shepherd
In 1985 Walter Martin (breeder of the Wienerau kennel) came to America to give a series of lectures on the correct breeding on German shepherd dogs. In 1992 Walter produced the German Sieger and Siegerin. This is the first time a breeder had both in the same year.
We are sorry to say that Walter Martin and his brother Herman Martin passed away in August and September of 1996 (they died within two weeks of each other). The Martin brothers were probably the greatest breeders the GSD has ever seen. Most of their accomplishments were never repeated again.
The German shepherd club of West Germany (known as the SV) sponsors the largest German shepherd confirmation / working specialty show in the world. This is known as the German World Sieger Show. This show is in a different city in Germany every year. There are usually about 1500 dogs and about 30,000 spectators at the show.
Many of our modern day bloodlines date back to breeding containing a blend of Quanto, Canto and Mutz. Over the years a number of important brood bitches have highly contributed to the GSD breed. Although generally speaking there's much more emphasize put on the males because they produce far more offspring than the females, which effects the future of the breed more. Flora vom Konigsbruch was an outstanding brood bitch along with Wilma v. Kisselschulucht. In the 1987 survey book, 24 pedigrees showed line breeding on Flora and 20 on Wilma. Wilma's influence on the "x" litter Arminius was very impressive. The best member of the " x " litter was Xando, a dog of superb shape and quality. Xando was slightly oversized and because of that he was sold to South Africa. Xando has produced a daughter named Fee v. Weiherturchen which has proven to be an excellent producer.
(VA) Xandra was shared by the Restrauch and Arminius kennels and responsible for many outstanding litters. Xavier Arminius sired, among others, the 1986 and 1987 Sieger Quando v. Arminius, who was lined bred on Wilma (2-4).
Flora was the dam of Reza v. Haus Beck. However, her best matings were to the Mutz Peltzierfarn lines. To the Mutz grandson Jupp v. d. Haller Farm, she gave the good "d" Wienerau litter. Dax v. d. Wienerau sired the 1986 reserve Sieger, Matz v. Hasenborn and the dam of the 1986 youth Sieger Odin v. Tannanmeise (3,5-4). Mated to Johnny v. Rheinhaller son, Kuno Weidtweg, Flora also produced the outstanding "n" Wienerau litter. Out of this litter Nick v. d. Wienerau has proved himself as a very influential stud, particularly through his daughter, Palme v. Wildsteiger Land. Palme was a very big, excellent structured bitch, litter sistered to the Siegerin Pearl, but much more like her dame, the excellent producer VA Fina vom Badsee. To the Quanto grandson Ex vom Schlumborn, Fina gave Quitte and Quanta the first and second in the youth class at the Siegerschau. Mated to another Quanto male line Irk von Arminius, Palme gave the outstanding stud and Sieger Uran v. Wildstieger Land. Bowwered by Herman Martin of the SV, she was mated to yet another Quanto line through Xavier Arminius, by Lasso Di Val Sole, this produced Quando vom Arminius.
To further illustrate the importance of Fee vom Weiherturshen, we have to look no further than the " f " Arminius litter. The most influential member of this litter is VA Fedor v. Arminius. Of the eight dogs of this litter six passed the breed survey, four have titled SchH 3, four have rated V in confirmation and two (Fedor and Fina) rated VA. Fee was also influential in the " n " Arminius litter. Fee in this litter corrected Dingo v. Haus Gero's reputation for producing bad hips.
Another important bitch is Ottie von Trienzbachtal. Ottie herself produced three Siegerins, the most important of these being VA 1 Tannie v. Trienzbactal by a Canto grandson. Tannie was mated to the VA 1 Ute v. Trienzbachtal son (by VA Elch), Fax v. Trienzbachtal to produce VA Gundo v. Trienzbachtal. Gundo is linebred (4-2) on Ottie. His breeder emphasized the female side of the pedigree as opposed to the male side. Quanto v. d. Wienerau was a very typical expressive noble dog. Quanto had a very good head and forehand. He was used well for type and uniformity. Quanto had good front angulation, harmonious structure, correct size and strength. The following are the significant families of Quanto.
By far the largest of these is through the 1984 and 1985 double Sieger VA 1 Uran v. Wildsteiger Land (Irk v. Arminius X Palme v. Wildsteiger Land). Uran produced several sons of high quality, among these are 1988 Sieger VA 1 Eiko v. Kirschental (out of VA Xitta v. Kirschental). Reserve Sieger (Italy) Vopo v. Kirschental (also out of Xitta), VA Yambo v. Wildsteiger Land and his brother Yasso and Harko v. Batu. Uran also produced the 1989 Siegerin. Eiko had a very large progeny group at the 1990 Siegerschau, Uran has consistently had very large progeny groups and the Siegerschaus.
The second largest of these is through VA Lasso di Val Sole, Quanto X Sara v. Sonnenber SHSB. Lasso was the father's type and sired an excellent son, Xavier. In addition to the 1986 and 1987 Sieger, Quando v. Arminius, Xavier also sired VA Kanto v. Arminius out of VA Roulette v. d. Wienerau. Quando produced the 1989 Sieger, Iso v. Bergmannshof, 1990 USA Sieger, Illo v. Bergmannshof and the 1988 Siegerin. Quando comes from a litter of all KKL 1 and V confirmation rating. His best producing sons are VA Odin v. Tannanmiese and Enzo v. Bergaliso.
The third major family is through VA 1 Dick v. Adeloga through Gundo v. Trienzbachtal. Gundo produced the 1989 Siegerin Inka v. Eichwaldhurte as well as numerous VA dogs. Canto v. d. Wienerau was a medium sized and medium strength dog, with good proportions, superb anatomy of the croup and forehand. He produced 17 offspring that surveyed KKL 1. Genetically, Canto improved upon the general anatomy. The Canto Wienerau lines split into four groups.
The largest is by way of Lasso v. Wiederbrucher Land through Fedor v. Arminius. Fedor is currently the leading sire in the Canto Wienerau lines. He produces excellent structure, as long as the bitch does not have a roached back. He produced an exceptional female, VA Karina v. Winnloh at the 1990 Siegerschau. Fedor's best producing offspring is Mark v. Haus Beck.
The second largest is through the 1983 Sieger, Dingo v. Haus Gero. Dingo was an exciting mover and passed this trait to his offspring, mostly through his son VA Natz v. Arminius. Dingo's offspring are spectacular at the extended trot.
The third line is by way of VA Argus v. Klammle, through Argus v. Aducht. Argus Aducht was an excellent dog, but he rarely produced anything of equal or greater to himself. Ablan vom Klammle is also found in many pedigrees, although he did not produce as well as his litter mate, Argus. Line breeding (4-4) Argus - Ablan is found in the better bred dogs.
The fourth line comes by way of the 1989 Sieger, Kanto v. Arminius. The most important of offspring was Sonny v. Badener Land who sired the Siegerin Tina vom Groben Sand and V-1 Tell v. Groben Sand. Tell sired the 1990 and 1991 double Sieger Fanto von Hirschel. Fanto is currently being used on Quando and Uran daughters and those related to Reza Haus Beck.
Mutz v. der Peltzierfarm was a medium to large dog that produced very well. His strong points were correct body proportions, pronounced wiether and a strong back. His progeny's were spirited movers, tough and resilient. His limitations were in the croup, upper arm and cleanness of front. Other significant producers of this line are VA Putz v. Arjakjo and Cello v. d. Romerau. Cello is a top producer of this line. He sired to VA females at the 1990 Siegerschau. Cello is out of Quana v. Arminius, litter mate of Quando and his provides another cross to Palme v. Wildsteiger Land. Palme will go down in German shepherd history as one of the most influential females. Because she is a large bitch, intense (2-3) on Palme can produce oversize. It's recommended that line breeding not be any closer than 3-3.
A fourth line that appears in many pedigrees is through the Sieger Marco v. Celler Land. Marco was an excellent dog and produced many good sons that were dominant on producing good hips. On the down side, Marco's sons produced a divergence of type. Marco also carried the black recessive gene. Most black GSD's trace lineage through Marco.
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